The Historylogy Podcast

Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple by Aswathi Thirunal Gouri Lakshmi Bayi - Book Review

Episode Summary

A review of the book 'Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple' written by Princess Aswathi Thirunal Gouri Lakshmi Bayi.

Episode Notes

Lauded as one of the one hundred and eight great centres of Vaishnava worship in Bharatha Varsham, Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple is a treasure-house of art and architecture as well.

Despite the changing phases of its evolution, it has guarded and cherished its legacy of spiritualism including continuity of traditional rites and rituals without sacrificing them in the name of progress.

This volume is a pilgrimage into the realm of devotion and is a journey into the significant history of the land under its sway, covering many of the inter-related aspects as well.

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Episode Transcription

Coming up: A review of the book 'Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple' written by Princess Aswathi Thirunal Gouri Lakshmi Bayi.

Namaste Friends. My name is 'Shinil Subramanian Payamal' and you are listening to the Historylogy podcast.

Before I proceed, a full disclosure: This book was bought with my own money and not been provided to me by the author or publisher.

Little bit about the author:

Her Highness Princess Aswathi Thirunal Gouri Lakshmi Bayi, a member of the Royal Family of the former princely state of Travancore, is the niece of the last ruler of the State. She is a graduate in Economics and is the distinguished writer of over 150 poems and articles in English. Most of them have been published by various journals in India and abroad. Her first book was a compilation of her poems in honour of her beloved uncle. Her next work 'The Dawn' is also a collection of poems and this, her third book Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple is not only a treatise on the Temple, but also a testament of her deep faith in her family deity.

Married to Sri. R. R. Varma of Paliakkara Western Palace, Thiruvalla, she is blessed with two sons and three grandchildren.

Let me read a brief description of the book from the inside flap of the book:


Lauded as one of the one hundred and eight great centres of Vaishnava worship in Bharatha Varsham, Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple is a treasure-house of art and architecture as well.

The influence exerted by this Temple over the State and its people as well as on territories far removed from it, spans centuries. Its glory and importance are multidimensional.

Despite the changing phases of its evolution, it has guarded and cherished its legacy of spiritualism including continuity of traditional rites and rituals without sacrificing them in the name of progress.

This volume is a pilgrimage into the realm of devotion and is a journey into the significant history of the land under its sway, covering many of the inter-related aspects as well.

Infusion of royalty has added splendour to its many unique features. An attempt has also been made to present in this volume many little known aspects associated with this Temple.

Above all, it strives to receive and transmit the glory of this ancient Abode of the Divine which has faced and outlived the relentless march of time.


Let me make it very clear at the beginning itself that this book is not just about the history of the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple, but also the entire Travancore kingdom, one of the richest and biggest princely states of India.

Some of the things I really liked in this excellent book are:

1. The Tarananalloor Namboodiripads of Irinjalakuda, which is in Thrissur district in Central Kerala, have been the hereditary Tantries (i.e. priests) of this great Temple. By virtue of birth alone a Namboodiripad (i.e. Kerala Brahmin) of this family cannot become Tantri of the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple. And it is also nice to know the Tantries have not compromised their spiritual inheritance in the name of modernity.

2. There is a separate chapter dedicated to the Sthala Puranam i.e. a religious account that recounts the historical significance of a Hindu temple, or the sacredness of the region in which it is situated. And there is another chapter dedicated to the ancient, medieval and modern history of the Temple.

3. The ten characteristics of greatness associated with a Maha Kshetram (i.e. great temple) are mentioned and how the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple qualifies on all these counts including its actual construction.

4. There is a whole chapter dedicated to the description of all the idols in the sanctum sanctorum including the magnificent recumbent form of Sree Padmanabha Swamy.

5. A lot has been made by modern day politicians in Kerala about how progressive their state is and shamelessly taken credit for the same. But, in various places in this book, it has been explained in detail how social and educational reforms have been carried through the ages by various pre-independence rulers of the State of Travancore.

Lord Wellingdon, Viceroy of India, declared in his speech in 1933 thus:


“Your educational faculties are better than in any other part of the country and I may well say, any part of the world. This is one State which gave lead to India in the matter of religious toleration. Similarly this State set a lead to all other states in India in legislative reforms. You are ahead of other states on all those subjects which ultimately lead to representative government. In the sphere of industry and economical development again your State is far ahead of any other state in India….”


Even the temple entry proclamation and land reforms have been explained very well.

6. There is a very handy ‘Guide To Worship’ which gives information on the permitted dress for males and females, timings for darshan, what you should NOT do while inside the temple and the various poojas you can do.

7. A separate chapter dedicated to various miracles and amazing incidents which have been obtained from the records.

8. Another chapter dedicated to the socio economic and political role of the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple. Till the abolition of monarchy by the Government of India, Sree Padmanabha Temple was officially accepted as Ruler of Travancore. The kings held the office of administration as a sacred trust.

It may not be considered out of place to emphasis here that the kings and councils apart, the God was vested with the position of being not only the presiding Deity but of being recognised officially by the administration and also the British Government as the constitutional Head of the erstwhile State of Travancore. This state of affairs was unique in India and perhaps in world history too.

9. Last but not the least, as we all know, the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple became famous outside of Kerala and India as the richest temple in the world due to the hidden treasures which are supposedly worth tens of billions of dollars.

The secrets of the Kallaras (i.e. vaults) except Kallara B which was so zealously protected, so carefully concealed from public eye for aeons by the Venad/Travancore royalty have now become world news due to their breathtaking and astounding revelations.


The book has 16 chapters and is over 500 pages which excludes twenty beautiful colour plates containing very rare and never before seen pics of various poojas, rituals and festivals related to the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple. This is a very well researched and referenced book. Some of the chapters like Chapter 7 titled ‘Autograph of Ages’ which covers the history of the temple are spread over 169 pages! As long as you don’t pick up a copy of this book expecting it to be like an Indiana Jones movie focussing on the untold treasures, you will be very glad you bought a copy.

I give this book 4.75/5.

The printed price of this hardcover format book is Rs. 1000/- but is available for around Rs. 900/- on Amazon India. And the book is available for $ 24.75 USD on Amazon USA. At the time of recording this review, the book is not available in Kindle or Audible format. I have given the respective buy links in the show notes. Please check them out for the latest prices.

Last but not the least, thank you for spending your valuable time listening to this book review. Really grateful. Please don't forget to subscribe to the Historylogy podcast on your favourite podcasting app and also feel free to leave a review. Also, please check for all previous episodes. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you. Take care and bye!